Great Partnerships produce great opportunities for students! We are very thankful for our continued partnership with Lawson State!
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Zoom Meeting
Partnerships are important! Great planning session for the 2021-22 w/ H.O.P.E. 21st Century Community Learning Center!
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Planning meeting
Planning meeting
Planning meeting
Continuing to Level-Up Learning for teachers in our district and surrounding districts! AMSTI is preparing for a week long session with K-5 teachers! Thank you AMSTI for our great partnership!
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Setting up the room
Professional Development for our Counselors and Mental Health Coordinator...the ASCA Model and state standards are very important.
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
UPDATE!!!!! The Lawson State Community College Dual Enrollment Meeting will now be virtual. The time is still the same. Please see the link below. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 5130 0781 Passcode: 235801
over 3 years ago, Nora Hill
After a long day of learning, FCS unwound with cool treats and relaxing music in the park provided by Mario Parrish, a local Mobile artist, at an "Ice Cream Social" sponsored by the SDE. #YouDeserveACoolTreat
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
MEGA Conference 2021
MEGA Conference
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
MEGA Conference 2021 "An atmosphere of learning amongst educators and support staff throughout Alabama" #PreparingForNextYear
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Fairfield School System is holding another round of 2021-2022 Registration July 19-22, 20021. Please read flyer carefully to determine what days your student(s) grade level register. Online registration is currently open at , please complete the Cahaba Medical registration form as well. If you have any questions please contact your student(s) campus for any additional information regarding the registration process.
over 3 years ago, Ronnie Holston
FCS Round Two Registration
FCS Registration Flyer 2.0
More photos from the 2021 Model Schools Conference. We are so proud to have been one of three school districts selected to share their innovative journey to transforming education for students.
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
One of three districts selected.
Our Awesome Team
Sharing the journey
Sharing the journey
After Care will be available to Kindergarten through twelfth grade students. We will start on the first day of school and spaces are limited. Applications can be found at your child's school.
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
High School Flyer
Mark your calendar for our final round of registration.
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Registration Flyer
Our cheerleaders are looking marvelous @ Cheer Camp 2021! #FairfieldHighPreparatorySchool @ #UAH
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Beautiful young ladies
We are excited to announce our continued partnership with Lawson State Community College. On July 20th at 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Fairfield High Preparatory School, we will be meeting with students who are interested in Dual Enrollment. If you have a G.P.A. of 2.5, an 18 on the English part of the ACT, or a 19 on the Math part of the ACT; you are eligible to participate. See you there!!
over 3 years ago, Nora Hill
lawson state
It's official... We have a new board member. Welcome Mrs. Marion M. Evans.
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Oath of Office
Oath of Office
Fairfield High Preparatory School Counseling Department Parent Survey Parents please complete the survey below. This survey will allow us to better serve you and your child.
over 3 years ago, Nora Hill
Parent Survey
See you soon!
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Award’s Day
We are hiring!
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Schools closed
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms
Calling all 4-14 year olds interested in playing baseball.
over 3 years ago, Zenobia Odoms