Fairfield City Schools 2nd Semester Instructional Learning Expectations A Student’s Guide and Expectations to Remote Learning Students have 2 options for instruction: Traditional or Remote
Remote Expectations (Elementary and High School)
Set-up a remote learning space
All remote learners must have their cameras turned on with faces showing at all times during lessons starting January 6, the beginning of the third nine weeks. All remote learners should have their microphones muted at all times when the teacher is speaking to prevent interruptions to the lesson. Teachers will notify students of the procedure for asking questions. Remote learners may not eat while visible on camera. Remote learners must comply with their campus dress code at all times by being fully dressed and in a quiet space in their home. (Lying in the bed is unacceptable during live instruction) while visible on camera. Remote learners must be seated upright at a tabletop or other acceptable workstation. All remote learners should be prepared to engage in the lesson and Stay logged in the entire class period/block
Student Attendance
Students are expected to follow the daily schedule that has been provided. Students are required to attend all live zoom lessons on time and daily. Students’ faces must be shown to verify attendance and active participation. Students are expected to complete all assignments, including viewing live ZOOM sessions, completing practice activities, and assessments. These assignments may be housed in Schoology or individually given by the teacher. All students should be engaged with assignments on the Asynchronous instructional day, which are Wednesdays. Wednesdays are also designed for students to receive one-on-one assistance as well as parent conferences. (If this changes, you will be notified) Students are responsible for making up all assignments that are missed. (See teacher) Students must take all high stakes assessments on campus, no exception. These mandatory assessments may include ACT/writing (all 11th grade students), Pre-ACT (all 10th graders), ACAP (all students in grades 2-8), ACAP Alternate Assessment (select students in grades 3-12), ACCESS (select students in grades 3-12), etc.
If students are not completing assignments or attending school, he or she is in jeopardy of failing the current grade. We have various resources to assist where needed. Reach out to your child’s teacher or school if you have any questions or concerns.
Fairfield City Schools 2nd Semester Instructional Learning Expectations A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Remote Learning
Our positive school climate must extend into our new reality with remote learning. Please help your child maintain this climate by adhering to the following:
Be respectful and school-appropriate at all times
Please monitor your children as they access the online learning environment if you are able to do so. Be mindful that live lessons are 30-minutes or less, so students need to refrain from disrespectful or disruptive behavior in the virtual classroom. Teachers reserve the right to mute students whose behavior interrupts the learning environment. The student code of conduct will be utilized if necessary.
Be present and mindful of others
Please prepare your children to be engaged in the remote learning classroom prior to each live lesson. It may be helpful for students to have a good breakfast or snack prior to morning lessons and a good lunch or snack prior to afternoon lessons. Encourage your children to use the bathroom prior to logging in to avoid unnecessary interruptions.
Practice active listening
Active participation in a remote learning environment can be tricky as only one voice can come through at a time. Students who are able to write may use the chat feature to type questions or comments during a live lesson; please help your child (ren) get used to this feature. Remote students should mute themselves if they are not speaking.
Be punctual
Please make sure to log in a few minutes prior to the lesson. This will allow lessons to start on time and give students the best learning experience possible. If your child is unable to attend a lesson, please email his/her teacher so the teacher is not concerned about your child’s lack of attendance. Teachers will be recording their lessons and sharing them with their classroom families. Of course, it is best for students to participate in the live lessons in most cases, but we do understand that this will not always be possible.
Be aware of your surroundings
Students should find a place in your home that is free from distractions where they can also be comfortable and focus on connecting with their class. Be mindful of your surroundings and what may be seen while you are on video.
Speak clearly
Help your child practice speaking clearly in the virtual classroom setting
Dress appropriately
Though we understand that remaining in your homes encourages a more relaxed dress code than the school environment, please ensure your child (ren) follow the dress code guidelines in order to create a learning environment free of distractions. If your child would not wear something to school, he/she should not wear that item during a live lesson.
**Any remote learner who requires an exception to any of these guidelines must contact the campus principal or your child’s teacher immediately to discuss alternatives. Always remember, we are here to support you.