Pre-K thru 8th graders move to four days a week

Dear Parents,

Beginning Monday, November 2nd, all traditional pre-k through 8th grade students will transition to four days a  week of in-person learning. Wednesdays will remain a remote learning day to allow teachers sufficient time for planning. High school students will retain their current staggered schedules until further notice. 

 This decision was made based on feedback from parents and teachers, guidance from the Jefferson County Department of Health, along with overwhelming evidence that in-person instruction is the best method for educating most children. 

Children receive rich benefits socially and academically from an in-person learning environment, and we are eager to have more face to face time with them!

Again, this new schedule is for traditional students at Forest Hills, CJ Donald, Glen Oaks, and Robinson Elementary schools. You will now come to campus on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Wednesdays will remain remote.

I truly appreciate the commitment of our parents, many of whom juggle full time jobs and other important responsibilities while raising children. I also appreciate the dedication of our teachers, who are not only teaching traditional students, but also providing a rich educational experience for those students who selected virtual learning this year.

Finally, a huge congratulations goes out to our Tiger football team for making it to the playoffs!

Next Friday will be devoted to supporting you on the road. Therefore, we will not have school that day. Parents, please take time to closely review the calendar for a clear look at our four-day return to school. Thank you.


Dr. Regina Thompson
