
FCS Announcements

(1) Happy New Year, everyone! It's time for school to begin again. We hope you enjoyed your Winter Break are ready for the second semester. For the safety of all concerned, all students will begin with remote learning on January 6, 2021. We will continue remotely for the next two weeks. On January 19th, traditional face-to-face instruction will begin. 

(2) While engaged in remote learning, it is important to know that attendance is very important. Students are expected to follow their daily schedule that has been provided whether virtual or traditional, attend all Zoom lessons and complete all assignments. If students are not completing assignments or attending school, he/she are in jeopardy of failing the current grade/course. We have various resources to assist where needed. Reach out to your child's teacher or school for assistance. 

(3) We are trying something new to feed our students for the next two weeks. For your convenience, buses will be stationed throughout the district at specified times and locations to distribute meal kits. Please note that we will only have one curbside pickup location at C. J. Donald for those throughout the district who prefer that method. Meals are available to all children ages 0-18 at no cost. IDs are not required and there will be one kit per child. Be sure to refrigetate cold foods promptly.

The distribution schedule is on our FaceBook page (Fairfield City Schools), our website www.fairfieldschoolsystem.com) and on Twitter (Fairfield City School System).

(4) Parents, don't forget to complete the mandatory survey/remote learning application regarding the second semester. by Friday, January 8th. We need this completed for all students.The link can be found on our website and our FaceBook page.
Only students with approved applications will be able to participate remotely beginning January 19th.

These announcements were sent as a callout earlier today. If you did not receive the call, please update your telephone  number by contacting your child's school.